Saturday, October 9, 2010

College Park Day

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to thank all of you who took the time to visit the booth and say hello, not to mention all the folks who obliged us with a "You're watching CP-CAT" promo during the day.  It was great seeing everyone there! 

Hopefully we have gained a little momentum with our efforts.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to share them.  I had some great conversations with local officials, and leaders of some of the churches and schools in the area.  I enjoyed meeting every one of you, and hope to stay in touch.

- Matt

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Online Petition

Well, it looks like things are starting to get a little more organized.  I've created the online petition, in preparation of College Park Day on Saturday.  If you live in College Park, and would like to sign, please visit the petition page at .  Thanks for your support!

Monday, September 27, 2010

College Park Day

On Saturday, October 9, 2010, I will be manning a "booth" (actually, just a table and two chairs) at the College Park Day event at the CP Community Center 1-5pm.  Please drop by and say hello, join my email list, sign the petition, and let me know what you'd like to see from a public access television station in College Park! 

I have also created a promotional video for the event:

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hello Everyone,

This is a blog devoted to discussing a new public-access cable station for College Park, MD.  We don't actually have a station, yet, but it is my hope that there will be enough interest in the community to support one, in time.

I can't say where the idea first came to me to do this.  It was probably after watching a telecast of one of the city council meetings on the College Park municipal channel.  You can learn a lot about the city from watching council members discussing issues around town.  But I also wondered what would happen if the residents could do the talking themselves?  What if we had a place to vent our views on the Route 1 Sector Plan, or the traffic?  What if we had some talented musicians in the area, and could offer a decent outlet for them to share their work with others?  What if the Boys and Girls Club could show soccer or baseball games, and give overworked parents a way to see them on the weekends?

There are a lot of good reasons for College Park to have its own access television station.  We have a lot of opinionated people.  We have a lot of talented people.  Our population is unique in the way it covers so many age, cultural, educational, religious and economic groups.  There is a lot of room for understanding each of these groups, and there is a lot to be said by them all. 

It is my hope that a public access television station could provide an outlet for us to share our ideas and talents with each other, in a way that might be difficult to do otherwise.  I hope we can all learn things from each other, and maybe learn a few things about ourselves, in the process. 

Most importantly, this is a forum to discuss the ways a community television station could be used to benefit the residents of College Park, MD.  Please feel free to comment, and share your thoughts on what you'd like to see CPCAT (College Park Community Access Television) become, and what it might offer to the community.

Thank you,

-Matthew Byrd
  College Park Community Access Television, Inc.